Le Meridien Budapest’s taste trip goes on. We invite our Guests to start the autumn in the Szekszárd Wine region. The 5 course dinner created by Executive Chef, Laurent Vandenameele will be accompanied by wines from the Vida Winery.
During the dinner our Guests have got the opportunity to talk to the winemakers from the Vida Winery, our Winery of the month and Executive Chef, Laurent Vandenameele about the selection of the food and wine and the harmony in taste.
We are awaiting our regular and new Guests!
Price of the dinner is HUF 9900 /person including the wines, mineral water and coffee.
Arrival: 7pm – Welcome Drink and canapés
Dinner start: 7.30pm
Reservation and information:
Borbély Katalin
9 900 Huf / person
Vida Estve 2005
Amuse Bouche /Canapés / Falatkák
Rosé 2008
Pinces de tourteau aux agrumes semi-confit, vinaigrette
et purée d’avocat
Crab claws with preserved citrus fruit dressing
and avocado puree
Rákolló citrusgyümölcsös dresszinggel
és avokádó pürével
Kadarka 2007
Soupe de poisson de roche, émulsion au paprika façon cappuccino, mouillette à la tapenade d’olive noire
Mediterranean fish soup and paprika cappuccino,
grilled toast fingers with black olive tapenade
Mediterrán halászlé paprika cappuccinoval, grillezett pirítóscsíkokkal és fekete oliva tapenade-dal
Lavida Kèkfrankos 2006
Suprême de canard en croûte de cerises à l’eau-de-vie et son bonbon de canards et foie gras, julienne de navets glacés à l’huile de noisette
Duck breast topped with brandy-marinated cherry on a bed of turnips marinated in hazelnut oil
with ‘duck bon-bon’ on the side
Kacsamell brandy-ben marinált cseresznyével, mogyoróolajban marinált turnip-ágyon,
‘kacsa bon-bon’-nal
Cabernet Franc 2007
Fromage de chèvre brin d’Amour aux herbes et sa confiture de figues
Corsican ewe’s cheese “Brin d’Amour”
served with fig chutney
Korzikai “Brin d’Amour” juhsajt füge chutney-val
Pinot Noir 2007
Ganache chocolat au lait et café, brownie aux framboises, caramel de chocolat craquant
Light coffee and milk chocolate ganache, raspberry brownie and caramel chocolate chips
Könnyű kávé-tejcsokoládé ganache málna brownie-val
és karamell-csokoládé csipsszel