vendredi 20 juin 2008
Croque Bourgogne en Hongrie
Croque Bourgogne défend l’escargot sauvage se développant dans la nature selon un cycle naturel.
L’escargot de Bourgogne (Helix Pomatia Linné) ne s’élève pas ; Compte tenu de sa raréfaction sur le sol français, tous les préparateurs sans exception reçoivent de la matière première en provenance d’Europe centrale sous forme de chairs précuites ou produit semi-fini.
Croque Bourgogne à la particularité d’être personnellement impliqué au sein même des zones de ramassages du plus grand pays producteur (la Hongrie) et de participer à la gestion de l’espèce, en collaboration avec les responsables de l’environnement locaux, afin de la protéger et d’en assurer la pérennité.
Le ramassage est effectué sur des zones naturelles contrôlées où des prélèvements de terre et végétaux sont effectués pour analyses avant le ramassage : C’est la garantie de non contamination, d’une origine unique maîtrisée et d’une réelle traçabilité.
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Daimler va investir dans une nouvelle usine en Hongrie
Cette décision intervient alors que le groupe développe sa gamme de véhicules Mercedes-Benz de petite taille, pour la porter de deux à quatre modèles
Daimler a également annoncé mercredi qu'il prévoyait de consacrer 600 millions d'euros à son site de Rastatt, en Allemagne, où il construit les actuelles Mercedes Classe A et Classe B.
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Le fabricant des Vélibs de Paris caché dans la campagne hongroise
Cette usine de 18.000 m2 produit, entre autres, les deux-roues de conception Lapierre utilisés pour la location en libre-service Vélib de la capitale française en service depuis l'an dernier.
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vendredi 13 juin 2008
Beautiful apartment of 155 sqm with:
A large living room (60 sqm),
Semi open kitchen full-equipped,
3 bedrooms (1 including a dressing room),
2 bathrooms,
1 balcony,
1 cellar,
2 parking places.
Available from August 2008
2.500 EUR/month
Contact (English spoken):
+36 30 948 50 24
+36 70 230 70 52
jeudi 12 juin 2008
Ils recherchent
- Mohamed Taleb, ancien eleve de l'ESCI et actuellement en stage de fin d'études chez decathlon hongrie recherche un VIE toujours sur Budapest. Ce VIE peut s'inscrire dans le cadre du mission pour un departement commercial ou achats. E-mail:
mardi 10 juin 2008
Offres d'emploi, VIE, stages
AGS Budapest is looking for a new International Move Coordinator to be a helpful and reliable part of their international staff that speaks Hungarian, French, English, German and Spanish.
- handling of import and export files;
- keeping contact with clients, agents and local subcontractors;
- handling freight (air, sea, road);
- preparing quotations;
- organizing daily operations.
- Requirements:
- Possess strong computer skills with experience utilizing word processing, spreadsheet;
- Possess strong interpersonal skills;
- Possess strong verbal and written communication skills;
- Possess good problem solving skills with ability to work independently;
- Demonstrate ability to manage multiple tasks concurrently;
- Fluency in English and Hungarian;
- Manage the inbound, storage and outbound goods' processes and maintain high quality service to our customers;
- Act as main point of contact for the third party logistics service provider, warehouses and customer service for daily problem solving in the area of distribution and logistic.
What we can offer:
- multicultural professional working-environment;
- an industry leader who has a reputation for quality and high standards;
a career move; - an attractive package including wide range of benefits.
Contact: Ingrid lamblin;
Defi Reklam
Nous sommes à la recherche d’une personne :
Sales Manager
Société de publicité internationale, leader mondiale, recherche une personne pour sa structure de Budapest,
Merci de bien vouloir envoyer vos offres en anglais ou français (CV + lettre de motivation + prétentions salariales +disponibilités) par email :
Ref : DHCCO 062008 KAM
Sales Manager - KAM
Anglais : bon niveau
Français ou Allemand: serait un plus !
Expérience B to B - minimum 4 années d’expériences
Sens commercial, négociateur, forte envie de s’investir,
Dynamique, bonne présentation, logique,
Relation directe avec la Direction Générale
Début : Dès que possible
Contrat à durée indéterminée
Salaire motivant (fixe + commissions) + téléphone portable
SPF Hungary
Responsable financier et administratif
Il s'agit d'une part de rappatrier la comptabilité (qui est aujourd'hui externalisée) dans la société et d'effectuer les taches quotidiennes : accounting, déclarations diverses (ÁFA, termékdíj, etc ...), social. D'autre part, le RAF est également responsable des reportings mensuels vers la maison-mére: P&L, bilan, BFR, gross margin bridge, cashflow, etc ... Hongrois indispensable + anglais ou francais.
Poste de directeur de site: management des équipes, suivi des investissements, suivi et optimisation des couts, établissement des business plans, reportings vers la maison-mére ... Le directeur de site dépend directement du directeur général de SPF Monde (headquarters á Vannes, Bretagne). Le profil recherché est soit un profil industriel avec un bon background financier, soit un profil commercial avec un background industriel et financier. Dans ce dernier cas, l'organisation serait réajustée et le directeur de site serait également directeur commercial de la zone Europe Centrale. Hongrois et anglais indispensables, le francais serait un plus.
La société SPF Hungary a crée son usine de Beled en 2006. La production atteint aujourd'hui environ 350-400 tonnes/mois realisés en deux shifts. La société compte 10 employés et réalise un chiffre d'affaires de 80 MFt/mois en moyenne. Pour plus d'informations sur la société-mére SPF, leader mondial des facteurs d'appétence :
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Programme Balaton 2009
Balaton est le Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC) franco-hongrois. Il est mis en œuvre en Hongrie par l'Office National pour la Recherche et la Technologie (NKTH).
L'objectif de ce programme est de développer les échanges scientifiques et technologiques d'excellence entre les laboratoires de recherche des deux pays, en favorisant les nouvelles coopérations.
L'appel à candidatures est ouvert aux laboratoires de recherche rattachés à des établissements d'enseignement supérieur, à des organismes de recherche ou à des entreprises.
Tous les domaines scientifiques, y compris les sciences humaines et sociales, sont concernés par ce programme. Les projets en sciences humaines et sociales doivent être déposés, pour les partenaires hongrois, auprès du Ministère de l'Education et de la Culture, dont les coordonnées figurent ci-dessous.
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Dossier d'information sur la Hongrie
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Visite de Luc Alphand de l'usine Valeo à Veszprém le Lundi 28 Avril
Plyus d'information sur le site:
2 milliards d’Euro d’investissement pour le projet Dream Island
The company – which is owned by a consortium including Plaza Centres BV, the Israeli company behind the ubiquitous edge of town shopping centres across Hungary – plans to turn the area into the Las Vegas of Central Europe. Álom Sziget Entertainment Zrt. owns the southernmost third of the island, famous as the site of an annual week-long pop music festival.
As well as a huge casino – which the developer is now licensed to run for 20 years – the project will create 3,000 hotel rooms, 1,000 holiday apartments, a 3,500 seat convention centre, an opera house and a 3,500-seat theatre. There will also be a marina with moorings for 300 boats. The development is expected to cost around HUF 500 billion (EUR 2.08 billion).
La brasserie Dreher devrait investir 12 millions d’Euro cette année pour améliorer son site de production
Gorosabel also said that without a price hike the local beer industry could find itself in a dire state.
The bulk of the HUF 3 billion investment budget is to be spent on logistics, the upgrade of the company's IT system and the introduction of new packaging, Gorosabel told business daily Világgazdaság in an interview published on Tuesday.
Dreher carried out large-scale investments last year as well, expanding its capacity, implementing efficiency increasing changes in the manufacturing infrastructure and setting up a new biogas generation plant and a waste water treatment unit, which were inaugurated in January this year. Dreher spent HUF 500 m on the latter two facilities.
Biogas created during the treatment of waste water is used to produce thermal energy, covering 8-10% of the former energy consumption needs of the company. This is equivalent with 200-250 households' yearly consumption.
“The primary reason for the past years' developments was that the dramatically increased costs would not allow anyone to remain competitive without the most efficient production methods," Gorosabel told the paper.
He noted that the increase of energy prices resulted in a drastic increase in packaging prices, while it was the shortage of raw materials that led to an increase in their prices.
Gorosabel urged a price hike on the Hungarian beer market, saying that without it the whole industry could find itself in an extremely difficult position.
“Local players generally try to retain or boost their market share by keeping prices low. But if you focus on nothing more than the price and fail to carry out deep-rooting measures to boost production and sales efficiency, you will not be able to operate successfully in the long run," he said.
Last year Dreher revamped its sales system, reducing the role of wholesalers and doubling its own sales staff, hiring some 140 people to this area. The company's total sales team is now around 300 people, and its headcount exceeds 700 employees.
Gorosabel said the sharp excise tax increase in 2005-06 virtually “wiped out" the profit of the beer industry. While beer consumption was up 1.3% year on year in the past 12 months, looking only at the past few months, we find that consumption dropped in annual terms, he added.
2008.05.19 15:27 Hungarian beer sales up 4.7% yr/yr, costs soar by 33% in 2007
Consumption of Dreher products rose 4% yr/yr and the company's profit increased by about 15% yr/yr in the fiscal year ended on 31 March, the CEO added.
Dreher is a subsidiary of SABMiller, the second biggest global brewing group with operations in more than 60 countries over six continents.
The international brand portfolio of SABMiller - listed on the London Stock Exchange and the Johannesburg Stock Exchange - includes the Czech Pilsner Urquell, Italian Peroni Nastro Azzurro, American Miller Genuine Draft and South-African Castle Lager."
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L’Aéroport de Budapest devrait investir 3.5 millions d’Euro dans un nouveau système de sécurité pour les passagers
Budapest Airport (BA) purchased new, state-of-the-art X-ray machines, magnetic gates and other passenger screening equipment for more than 3 and a half million euros (nearly 900 million forints). The airport company already commenced the operation of the equipment serving Terminal 1 earlier this week.
BA will use the devices to completely replace the passenger screening systems used on the departure levels of all three terminals. After the comprehensive testing by the Authorities, out of the 12 hand baggage screening devices, three will operate at Terminal 1, five at Terminal 2A and four at Terminal 2B.
The X-ray machines are the latest models of the airport specialist company, Smiths Heimann. The machines work on the same principal as the computer tomography showing the contents of the baggage being screened from two different angles thus nothing can escape the observation of the passenger screening guard, not even objects that overlap. Explosives can be precisely defined by means of a computer-generated determination of the relative atomic weight and the density of the materials contained in the piece of carry-on baggage inspected.
After a software development the machines will be able to recognize liquid explosives, and they can screen laptops without being separated from the laptop case. However a permit form the European Union will be needed before the introduction of the latter technique.
The new security lane serving the X-ray machines will also be renewed at Terminal 2; BA will install nine new, 13.5-meters long channels. These will be able to handle more passengers at the same time, and use modern technology to separate “suspicious” hand baggage from “clean” ones.
Besides the belts, separated cubicles will also be fitted behind the security gates, so that passengers’ clothing can be searched quickly and discretely – if needed. Additionally this monitoring system will speed up the security processes because the separated passengers won’t block the line.
Apart from the technical novelties the airport operator is also expanding its security staff by 100 passengers screening agents to a total of 350 by the end of May.
Jost Lammers, the CEO of Budapest Airport said: „Security is a top priority at the airport, but we would also like our passengers to have great experience about their time at Budapest Airport. With this investment we will reach the two goals at the same time, because the security of the airport will increase as well as the comfort for our passengers going through the necessary security procedures. We bought the state-of-the-art equipment for the new terminal building, the SkyCourt, but we decided to put them into use already now before the summertime peak.”
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L’Union Européenne enquête sur les aides accordées à la société Dunaferr
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Graphisoft Park devrait accueillir l’université informatique de Budapest
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La société Weiss Hungaria devrait lancer prochainement un projet de 3 millions d’Euro en Hongrie
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dimanche 8 juin 2008
La Banque Sal Oppenheim devrait ouvrir une filiale à Budapest
Many believe that the bank will enter Russia and Ukraine. The regulatory capital of Sal Oppenheim is two billion Euro, while the total assets accede 41.6 billion Euro
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Nouveau projet immobilier à Budaors
The real estate companies are set to make the office park the western gate of the Hungarian capital city, with several “iconic” buildings. The volume of investments poured in the project will exceed one million Euro.
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Hungrana devrait tripler sa production de Bioethanol
Launching its greenfield programme in 2006, Hungrana started selling its own biofuel - E85, consisting of 85 percent bioethanol and 15 percent petrol – for so-called flexi-fuel vehicles about a year ago.
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Hungary MOL buys into Indian assets
The company holds also shares in refining and transmission of products, natural gas and petrochemicals businesses. The companies expect now the deal to be approved by the Indian authorities. The gas field is a 1,513 square kilometres area, operated by ONGC. One exploration well is planned to be drilled by the end of 2008 and one other in the 3rd exploration phase. In case of successful exploration activity gas and condensate production is expected. Hungarian company suggested it offered Indian partners expertise of exploration in highly complicated areas, gained in Northern Pakistan
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Balluff augmente sa capacité de production en Hongrie
The producing power of the plants is expected to double by 2012. The first two floors will host the production units, while the third floor will give home to the company’s development centre, which already employs nearly 50 people.
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Le fabriquant de tuiles autrichien Tondach devrait construire une nouvelle unité de production en Hongrie
The plant, to start test production in August, will turn out an annual 30 million tiles and two million other roofing elements. It will staff 60 people.
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La Banque Centrale Hongroise augmente ses taux d'intérêts pour lutter contre l'inflation
“Hungarian economic growth continues to be subdued and the fall in inflation has been less rapid than expected,” a central bank statement said. The action on May 26 raised the benchmark lending rate, which applies to twoweek Central Bank bills, to the highest since February 2005. The bank raised the rate at its two previous meetings, including by half a percentage point in March.
Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany’s government has raised taxes and hiked energy prices as part of measures to shrink the budget deficit and eventually get Hungary ready to qualify for the Euro. Inflation has fallen from a high of nine percent in March 2007 to 6.6 percent in April, more than twice the central bank’s medium-term target of three percent. In the EU, only Romania,
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Citibank et Aegon Hungary lance de nouveaux produits d’assurance
The consumer will be able to purchase the new products in Citibank branches upon completion of an insurance proposal package with the assistance of Citigold bankers. The new initiative is expected to provide wider of options to the consumers. In particular, Multifund customers can select from funds of several onshore.
Audi a investi au total quelque 3,3 milliards d’euros dans l’usine de Györ, qui produit également les modèles TT Coupé et Roadster, ainsi que l’A3 cabriolet, à une cadence de 55 000 unités annuelles.
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Avec 171 621 voitures neuves vendues en 2007 (- 5,6 %), la Hongrie est passée à la quatrième place, derrière la Roumanie (315 621 unités), la Pologne (293 305) et la République tchèque (174 456). Ce recul s’explique notamment par l’instabilité de l’environnement économique et politique du pays, qui rend les consommateurs frileux. Les prix élevés des voitures neuves poussent également les automobilistes hongrois à acheter à l’étranger, notamment en Slovaquie, où les taxes sont moins élevées.
L’année dernière, 289 462 voitures et quelque 2,35 millions de moteurs ont été produits dans les deux usines du pays par les quelque 110 000 salariés de la branche automobile.
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